Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's Finally Here

So yesterday morning I went over to Barnes and Nobles at 9:30 am to get my wristband. The wristband meant I could get my book at 12:01am when it was officially released to the public. Holy Cow!!!!!! The line was wrapped the front, side and back of the store. People had slept out overnight to be sure they got their wristbands. Luckily one of my Laurels was further up in line and a Barnes and Nobles manager said that Kristy (my Laurel) could pick up my wristband for me. This made it so Kimball and I could still make it to the Temple to do a session.

Anyhow my friend Amy and I left at 9 pm to head to the pre-release party and to get our book. Double Holy Cow!!!! There were so many people there that you couldn't even walk around the store. But the amount of people outside was even more overwhelming. I would have to guess that there were at least 2000 to 2500 people in line to get that book. Luckily we got wristbands for group E and by 12:38am we had purchased our books and headed home. YA!!!!

After a detour to pick Josh and his friends up from the Batman Movie I got home to start reading. But I got sick and went to bed. It's all good now though. I'm feeling good and after this post I will temporarily stop being mommy, wife, mentor, friend. I will just be a happy cloud of happiness reading my book. I'll let you know if I liked it later.

Oh, and it's 754 pages...It's 9:44am on August 2nd. Lets see how long it takes me to read the whole book!!!

1 comment:

Tori Williams said...

Yeah, I have the same feelings towards Harry Potter. I'm BUMMED (to say the LEAST) that I'm on the last book. :( :(