Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fake People

People can say many things about me but one thing that NO ONE could ever say about me is that I'm fake.

I hate fake people!!!!

I don't think I can express this loud enough. I have tried to not let it bother me when I see someone being fake but at home, in my own quiet time, it starts bothering me...eating at me.

I've had long talks with Kimball about this topic. Why does "other people" being fake bother me so much? It's because people fall for fakeness. I know that everyone wants to believe that they don't and that they can see through fakeness but I'm here to tell you that most people fall for it. Again, why does this bother me? Because fake people have hurt me. Fake people fool people into thinking they are so great and so believable yet all they do is spread lies. Lies that everyone believes because these fake people have the wool pulled over everyones eyes. They slander people, spread lies about people yet they put on this innocent face and people over look what that person was doing and believe they are "So Sweet" or "One of the nicest people I know" or "So Spiritual". What a crock.

The one good thing about being around fake people is that it helps you appreciate those that are genuine and those that truly are "Sweet", "Nice" and "Spiritual"... People I admire and hope to be like someday. There are two people that I truly wish to be more like. One is Kathy Fitch. I use to Visit Teach her around 9 years ago. She was/is amazing. I've heard that she is now serving a mission with her husband. The way she was with her kids was perfect and she was such a great mom. You could actually see with your eyes the love that those teenage kids had for their mom. It was so great to watch. She had a great relationship with her kids and I've always wanted to have that same thing with my kids. I try but I'm far from where she was. The other is my sister-in-law Leah. We are two VERY different people but I still admire her in many ways. She has an amazing testimony that is shown in most of the things she does. She is so good at expressing it. She can adequately write and describe what is on her mind...something I'm sooooooo not good at. But I still try.

Anyhow...this post was a bunch of rambling so I'll end it. I just want to make sure that I remind myself that I will NOT be fake and I will continue to be a better person. And to remember that "fakeness" usually hurts someone.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Camp Smile

Last night was our Girls Camp Kick-off Fireside. Our theme this year is "Camp Smile" and I just love the theme. I think it's perfect being that our General Young Women's Presidency gave the girls and their leaders a challenge to do three things daily:

1) Pray morning and night
2) Read the Book of Mormon for at least 5 minutes
3) Smile

Why Smile? Because we have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, which brings us true happiness.

Now yes...I am excited about the theme but I truly think I would be excited about any theme they used because I'm more excited about the fact that I get to go this year. I can't wait to be with the girls and the leaders and to feel their sweet spirits and to bond with all of them in a loving and spiritual way. It's going to be great.

The picture above is of the cookies "pops" that I made for the fireside, they were cute.