So Collin Turned 12 years old today. I can't believe that he's already old enough to be in Young Mens and to pass the sacrament.
Collin is my Blue Eyed, helpful, very bright and very loving third son. He was excited to have Kaylee added to the family because he was no longer a "middle child" but one of the older three!!
I'm very proud of Collin, for the friends he keeps, the desire he has to do what is right and for his helpfulness at all times.
Happy Happy Birthday Collin. I love you So Very Much.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLLIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Another year older and wiser too, right? We had so much fun getting to know you better this summer. You are a good, strong, faithful, and handsome young man. If you continue down this great path you will go far in this world. Have a wonderful year and know that we will be thinking of you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COLLIN! We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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