I was *tagged* the other day and it was posted on my old blog. One of the questions was what are 3 of my joys. Here was my answer:
3 Joys
*Being married to my best friend!
*Knowing that my family is eternal and I can be with my husband and kids forever.
*A Clean House
My kids usually give me a hard time about always wanting the house clean. They poop off with things like ... it doesn't make sense to them and that it's not "that bad" and that "no one elses house is this clean in the whole neighborhood." I of course couldn't careless about anyone elses house, I'm just worried about my own home and feeling comfortable in it.
Well tonight Justin and Josh got back from a friends house and they both stated that having a clean house was actually "nice". They told me that they're grateful that they've never felt embarrassed to have their friends come over to hang out. They went on to explain that they've finally figured out why all their friends liked hanging out at our house...It's because many of their friends are "embarrassed" by their own homes and they liked how comfortable it was here. Finally some of my kids get it. It feels good to get your kids on your side. :)
8 years ago
YAY for your adorable blog!!! I love it! How do you get those little flowers to come up by the kid's names? They are so cute!
How's Kaylee? I wanted to call and see how she was doing, but excuses, excuses... I don't have one. But I hear that she's almost back to her normal self. What a relief if that's true!
Love, Tori
P.S. Cute blog!!!!! Also, how did you do that Live, Laugh, Love thing???
Your new blog looks Great! I am so happy to be able to "peek" in on you.
I didn't realize that Kaylee had her surgery already. Did it go okay, I know that the doctors were really worried about how she would do. Is she able to sleep on her own now? Have you noticed a difference?
Anyhow, thanks for sharing the "daily scoop" link. What a wonderful example of faith and enduring. How did you happen upon it?
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