Monday, March 7, 2011


Late last night Josh decided that he was going to ask Cassidy to HER Prom which is in less than two weeks. March 19th. I told him that if he was going to ask her, he better do it very quick. So he did it this afternoon while she was at school.

He got a small kiddy pool, filled it with lots of candy, toys and a few other things and then covered it with two bags of playground sand.

The note was attached to a shovel that read "Cassidy, I'd dig it if you'd go to Prom with me!" In a notebook he covered up with sand he put a smiley face on one of the pages. He said that she would know it was from him if he did that!!

It was so cute. Of course I'm sure the mess it made inside the Forsyth's home wasn't as cute.


Forsyth Family said...

The mess was worth the smile that has been on her face ever since!! Such a cute ideas!

Tori Williams said...

Cute idea!! Awe, Joshy! Growing up so fast.

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute idea!!